Measure the quality and compliance of your training courses

Illutation outil innovant pour la gestion des formation - Digiforma

Accrochage export

Easily generate your Accrochage export and check its conformity before sending it to Caisse des Dépôts!

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Fonctionnalite Gestion electronique des documents - Moyenne icone - horizontale (1)

Qualiopi certification

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Evaluation of training

Add value to your assessments by generating accurate quality reports.

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Satisfaction numérique qualité - Illustration Fonctionnalité Digiforma

Quality management

Measure the quality of your training courses and ensure regulatory compliance.

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Icone micro certifications - Digiforma

Pedagogical documents

Build up a structured, easy-to-use document base.

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Editeur de modèles de documents - Fonctionnalité Digiforma

Découvrez toutes nos fonctionnalités pour l’évaluation et la qualité

Illutation outil innovant pour la gestion des formation - Digiforma

+ 5,500 training organizations use Digiforma

and more than 2,000,000 trainees use the Digiforma extranet

How Espace Chef is digitally transforming its training courses

Digiforma has enabled us to move away from logistics and concentrate on individualised training. Today, we use Digiforma far more than we had originally intended.

Fabienne Tardy

CEO, Espace Chef

Logo Espace chef

Discover the Digiforma solution

Try the new version of the Digiforma ERP and become an expert in learning management