Innovative e-learning platform dedicated to the success of your training courses

What is the definition of ODL?

ODL stands for “open and distance learning.” With this type of training, learners receive personalized support tailored to their goals and expectations.

Learners can study for their ODL course with just an Internet connection and a smartphone, computer, tablet or similar device. Participants can train whenever is convenient. An expert trainer is on hand to answer any questions. This learning support has a transformative effect on digital education.

Main features of ODL

In France, two types of open and distance learning exist:

  • National courses: These courses can be followed by all French-speaking learners, wherever they happen to be (at home, traveling, at work, etc.). If face-to-face lessons are organized, participants can either attend them in person or watch a live video stream on the platform.
  • Regional courses: This type of ODL learning can be done either online or face-to-face. Through a variety of educational and instructional materials, learners enjoy the respective benefits of in-person lessons and online activities. During classroom sessions, participants have opportunities to discuss the course and ask questions.


With this format, trainers organize and frame the sessions. Materials such as videos, written lessons, diagrams, case studies and photos are available.

However, ODL courses are governed by some specific criteria. They must be open to all learners, who must be able to access content whenever they want.

In addition, even if face-to-face lessons are organized, remote digital access remains essential. It must be possible to take the various modules without the trainer present.  A major strength of ODL is the method’s ability to adapt to learner’s schedules and their personal and professional obligations.

Understanding the pros and cons of learning with an ODL course

According to a CEGOS study, 52% of employees prefer e-learning courses. This format is also appreciated by businesses, as it offers some decisive benefits:

  • Flexibility and adaptability for all learners
  • Personalization to suit the individual’s knowledge and proficiency
  • Support provided by a trainer
  • Adjustable and strategic modules
  • Fast skill development
  • Ideal for companies looking to enhance employee knowledge
  • Low-cost solution
  • Time savings
  • Definition of a development plan that reflects learners’ wishes
  • Organization of reviews and examinations

However, this learning method requires motivation, responsibility, willpower and organization on the part of learners. They must be able to tackle teaching content independently if they want to achieve their personal and professional goals.

ODL training has revolutionized learning and the teaching approach of trainers. This format is ideal for developing all kinds of knowledge in any industry.

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