Adaptive learning

Innovative e-learning platform dedicated to the success of your training courses

How to define adaptive learning?

Adaptive learning is an ultra-personalized approach to training that accommodates each individual learner.

All learners start the course with the same video or written document. The differences and personalization are introduced afterwards, based on their answers to tests and exercises.

For example, if learners make many mistakes during the initial assessments, subsequent lessons will be more basic. Conversely, if a learner exhibits an advanced level of proficiency, more advanced content will be covered.

What are the main features of adaptive learning?

This new e-learning method adapts to each individual, using digital technologies and big data to address their individual needs.

Adaptive learning requires the creation of branching content, considering a range of potential scenarios. Based on the responses obtained, the LMS must be able to present suitably adapted content. In this way, each individual’s learning journey will be different.

In addition, depending on their needs and wishes, participants can follow the course in any order. They might choose to skip some modules or tackle them first, depending on their individual goals and obligations.

Adaptive learning gives learners access to all relevant or strategic data as and when they need it.

Digital technologies have enabled new developments in the area of adaptive learning. As well as learning management systems, trainers can leverage artificial intelligence, big data or machine learning. These technologies deliver relevant and strategic data on learner behavior. Course modules can calculate the learner’s mastery (or otherwise) of specific concepts and online lessons.

Three factors account for the success of this learning approach:

  • Presentation: Focus on content such as articles, videos and graphics
  • Order: Learners’ progress is taken into account
  • Support: Measures to ensue that the learner achieves their objectives by adapting the difficulty level

Pros and cons of adaptive learning

According to a study by Domoscio, adaptive learning makes it possible to reduce teaching resources by 37% compared to conventional training. Given this finding and the learning speeds achieved with this model, many people have shown an interest in this method.
Speed is not the only benefit with adaptive learning:

    • Using cognitive science to develop e-learning lessons, algorithms speed up the content memorization process. Not everyone learns the same way. Some people attach great importance to what they see, while others focus more on listening. Adaptive learning takes these preferences into account, making training faster and more effective.
    • Adaptive learning emphasizes motivation and buy-in. Learners work more diligently and achieve their professional and personal goals faster. Trainers are notified so that they can provide additional support to students wishing to go further. Adaptive learning extends beyond the scenarios devised by the designers.

However, some people are reluctant to embrace this form of digital learning, claiming not to be comfortable with technology. Fear of the unknown leads them to distrust this type of online training.

The adaptive learning method is revolutionizing online instruction. Using technological tools, it is now possible to offer personalized e-learning courses.

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